What lights you up? What vision and mission do you have?

I suggested so many questions, during last month and I will continue with many more to help you and your business, because “questions transform, information creates confusion”.

If you made the time to answer to them for you, to you, probably you know by now your mission as soul, your purpose in life, what lights you up.

If you did not discover this by now, go and see or re see my posts and answer to those questions, take the seriously, not for me, but for you. You have nothing to loose, but you have so much to gain. All this series, of transforming questions is for FREE and this is my way of giving away what I received in so many coaching programs and session for which I paid a lot of money.

So, is FREE for you, because is my gift! I hope you will take the time to benefit from it!

All these questions helped me and I discovered the importance of questions, because this is what a coach does asks questions to guide you to discover the light in you!

And once you discover it, you can easily draw a vision and missions, for you, as a person and for your business or team!
The Vision is answering to your WHY and WHERE. Is a map helping you travelling through life and the Mission is your HOW, you get there.

Your Vision is your target, your missions is your daily focus, your objectives, your daily doing and deeds, according to your values (see yesterday post).
So, before to travel the world, to explore it and find answers, travel in your soul and explore it. Don’t RUN from you.
Let me know, what is your vision and mission, as a soul and business?

My Vision (where do I go?) is to influence the life of 10 000 companies and 1 million souls.
My Mission is my How, my objective: adding value and create change through my knowledge, expertise, programs and tools for personal and business development.

Values and behaviors associated:
• Integrity and ethical behavior. We will always act in a manner that is honest, loyal, fair, reliable and professional.
• Transparency, trust and respect. We will gain trust and respect through transparency and direct communication.
• Collaboration and teamwork. We will work in a collaborative team approach with all stakeholders / people involved to provide excellence in everything we do.
• Innovation and creativity. We have a passion for being creative and inspiring positive change. We challenge conventional thinking and habits known in today’s business environment in finance and management operations.
• Creating value and emphasis on the relationship with customers. We will place a strong emphasis on adding value to our clients’ business and building strong relationships with them.
• National and international expansion. Work with worldwide souls.



Nicoleta Mădălina Gherghe Mihăilă

Managing Partner - Powerfull Deeds For 10 years doing Powerfull Deeds, serving individuals and companies in their own journey of growth with my knowledge, experience, tools and shortcuts, enjoying each step. I would love to contribute in yours too. How can I serve you? Send me an email and tell me how can I add value to you? [contact-form-7 id="497" title="Contact form 1"]

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