The One And Only Romania

  • Romania’s name comes from the latin word Romanus, which means citizen of Roman Empire.
  • Romanian language has existed for 1 700 years.
  • The Castle of the Carpathians by Jules Verne and Dracula by Bram Stocker are of Romanian inspiration;
  • Count Dracula was inspired by Vlad the Impaler, known for impaling his enemies and leaving them along the roadside.
  • The oldest metal furnace in the world was discovered in Romania. Was attested to be about 6000 BC
  • The oldest humanoid skeleton was discovered in Ramnicu Valcea. It was nicknamed “The fisherman of the Getic Lake”.
  • The pen was invented by the Romanian Petrache Poenaru.
  • Insulin was discovered by scientist Nicholas Paulescu.
  • Traian Vuia was the first European who built and flew a self propelled airplane with fixed wings.
  • Eiffel Tower the symbol of Paris, came to life based on a technology invented in Romania, by the engineer Gheorghe Panculescu.
  • Stefan Odobleja put the foundations of Cybernetics in 1941.
  • Constantin Brâncuși was a Romanian sculptor, painter, considered a pioneer of modernism, one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th-century, Brâncuși is called the patriarch of modern sculpture.
  • Nadia Comaneci was the first gymnast to receive a 10 at Olympic Gymnastics.
  • The actor who played Tarzan for the first time was Romanian – Johnny Weissmuller.
  • Romania ranks second among countries with highest Internet download speed.
  • The first country in the world with an oil production officially registered in the international statistics. (The Science of Petroleum, 1938);
  • City Ploiesti, named “black gold capital” in 1856 became the largest oil producer in Europe.
  • The first city in the world, with public lighting, based on kerosene was Bucharest. At April 1st 1857 the city was illuminated with 1,000 lamps;
  • Timisoara was the first European city that introduced horse-drawn trams (in 1869).
  • In 1889, Timisoara became the first city in Europe to introduce electric street lighting.
  • Black Church in Brasov has the large pipe organ in Europe, with 4000 pipes.
  • The Danube Delta is the second largest and the best preserved Delta in Europe.
  • Danube – Black See Canal is the third longest man- made water way route in the world, after Suez and Panama Canal.
  • The tallest rock sculpture in Europe is located in Romania – dac king Decebal (55 meters).
  • The House of Parliament is the second largest building in the world.
  • The Astra Museum is the second out door largest museum in the world.
  • Romania is in top 10, producers of wine in the world;
  • Romania is the richest country in Europe in gold resources.

Nicoleta Mădălina Gherghe Mihăilă

Managing Partner - Powerfull Deeds For 10 years doing Powerfull Deeds, serving individuals and companies in their own journey of growth with my knowledge, experience, tools and shortcuts, enjoying each step. I would love to contribute in yours too. How can I serve you? Send me an email and tell me how can I add value to you? [contact-form-7 id="497" title="Contact form 1"]

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