Do you know your values ? If you do, do you live respecting your values?

Do you know what values do you have? If you do, do you live respecting your values?

Do you know when you are respecting your values? Do you have a list with behaviors that sustain your values?

If you are an owner or manager of a business, do you share common values with your company values?

Do you know when you are respecting company’s values? Do you have a list with behaviors that sustain the values of the company?

What do you do when you or your colleagues are not aligned, to the true self or to the company identity?

Organizational culture means having the values, having the list with behaviors that sustain the values, underlying beliefs, assumptions and ways of interacting, contributing to the unique social and psychological environment of work, family, having friends etc.

When it is not clear to you, you do not communicate efficiently, you do not have “procedures”, you do not have the expected results because an effective communication starts from the one who launches a message and then has a wait to receive an answer in agreement.

I think you understand, it is valid for any environment: family, school, business, etc. So, if we are talking about the self, the same set of values should be in the family, at work or in different environment. Otherwise we are not AUTHENTIC!

We speak and breathe through our values and our deeds are accordingly with our values!

So here’s an example:

For me:
Value: Integrity
Behavior: I always tell the truth. What I promise I do.

For my team, in front of my clients:
Value. Integrity
Behavior: We always tell the truth. What we promise we deliver.

Do #powerfull #deeds and live a #powerful life!
#coaching #loveyourself #empoweryourbusiness

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Nicoleta Mădălina Gherghe Mihăilă

Managing Partner - Powerfull Deeds For 10 years doing Powerfull Deeds, serving individuals and companies in their own journey of growth with my knowledge, experience, tools and shortcuts, enjoying each step. I would love to contribute in yours too. How can I serve you? Send me an email and tell me how can I add value to you? [contact-form-7 id="497" title="Contact form 1"]

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